After 2 1/2 years of waiting and praying for God to open doors and send us back into missions...we have the green light to go!
We praise God for this time of waiting though, because He has been teaching us and binding us closer together as a family. Waiting is never easy, especially when your heart is burning to fulfill the call of God on your life!
Maybe that is why we identify strongly with the apostle Peter. He was enthusiastic for Christ, always ready to jump out of the boat and follow Jesus on stormy seas...then drawing his sword to defend Jesus when He was arrested. But Jesus' message was the same to Peter as it is to us.
Take some time to allow our Savior to wash our feet and teach us. Wait in the upper room for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit —then, only then can we be released to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Actually, its so perfect because Jesus told Peter “Do you love me?...feed my sheep.” And that is exactly what our family is being called to do.
We were recently invited to return to the YWAM Tonga mission as staff in their Discipleship Training School. Here we will be loving Jesus, and feeding the students who have come to study the Bible, and be trained as missionaries. This is a ministry that is so dear to our hearts because we want to see Tongans rooted and established in the Truth.
Tonga is considered a “Christian country” however many people never progress beyond religion to a personal relationship with Christ.
This makes Tongans especially vulnerable to cults who claim a belief in God and the Bible, but have a special revelation (false prophecy).
In the Discipleship Training School students learn more about the nature and character of God, His great love for people, and the benefits we enjoy in relationship with Him. Upon graduating from this school students follow God's call to bring the gospel back to their village, or to the nations. Isn't that fantastic? Wouldn't you love to see the tide turned back in the Lords favor? Tongans returning wholeheartedly to their first Love....
The Lord has promised "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14
Please join our family in praying for revival in Tonga, His people who are precious and dearly loved.